Soufflenheim footgolf association

Soufflenheim Footgolf Association, the AFGS, was created so that those interested could take part in Footgolf competitions, but also and especially to promote the sport in our local area.

It was created in January 2019 by a group of friends who have known each other for a long time: Guillaume, Thibault, Thibaud, Géraldine, Jonathan, Jérémy and Romain. They worked for several months with the Footgolf coordinator at Soufflenheim Golf Club, Aline Graiche, to set up the activity. The atmosphere in the association is described as pleasant, friendly and like a big family.

The members train regularly at their home ground, Soufflenheim Golf Club, and they collaborate with the Club to organise certain events.  Sometimes, they also train at the Golf du Fort in Illkirch, near Strasbourg.

If you are looking for a friendly group to play Footgolf with, look no further: Soufflenheim Foot Golf Association – AFGS can guarantee fun on the greens!

Since it was created, the AFGS has gradually been building up its membership, largely with the help of partners who have supported the association since the beginning.

On the sporting side, the Association takes part in the Alsace-Franche-Comté Foot Golf Tour, and also some of the stages of the Foot Golf Cup, in particular one unmissable event, the Foot Golf French Open.

The AFGS has no particular ambitions as it does not yet have enough members taking part in each stage of the National Championship.

For the members, Footgolf is a pastime above all, although some of them can’t resist the temptation of trying to beat the best players in the Cup stages when they come up against them!

If you see any black or white jerseys with a red diagonal line on the greens, no doubt about it, they’ll be proud members of the AFGS!

See the AFGS Facebook page for all the information:

Advantages of joining Soufflenheim Foot Golf Association

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Conditions d'accès au parcours aujourd'hui

Parcours 18 trous :


Parcours 9 trous :


Parcours 6 trous :


Voiturettes autorisées :


Trolleys autorisés :


Golf & Restaurant

The Golf Reception is open every day

Opening hours:
Monday to Sunday | 8.30 AM – 6 PM

You can contact us:
+33 (0)3 88 05 77 00

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Golf' webcam

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Access conditions to the golf courses today

18-hole course:


9-hole course:


6-hole course:


Carts allowed:


Trolleys allowed:


Golf & Restaurant

The Golf Reception is open every day

Opening hours:
Monday to Sunday | 8.30 AM – 6 PM

You can contact us:
+33 (0)3 88 05 77 00

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